Writing Universe

$22-$30 per page with 3 days' notice








  • N/A


  • Foreign company
  • No reviews
  • Charge more for "top" writers

Writing Universe Review

To see our #1 pick for top-rated online essay-writing service, jump to Killer Papers Honest Review and see why we love Killer Papers!

writinguniverse.com homepage

Who is Writing Universe?

It’s getting hard to distinguish between essay services, honestly. It’s hard to prove, but it seems like there are only a handful of essay services online and that they’re each operating under many other names, monopolizing the market. We can’t prove or disprove this, but it sure seems like it.

There is no “About Us” page on Writing Universe, so it’s impossible to say who runs the show.

How Much is a Paper?

writinguniverse.com prices increase depending on level of writer you choose.

The price of roughly $22 is for a 1-page paper with the “best available” writer on their team. If you want a “Premium” writer you will pay 25% more ($27.49 per page) or a “Top” writer, you’ll pay 35% more (almost $30 per page!). Then, if you want an other add-on features, which you can see listed in the image, you’ll have to add that on to your price as well.

Online Reviews:

Trustpilot only has 4 reviews. Sitejabber has two reviews. With so little to go on, there isn’t much data to critique here. It raises questions when essay writing services have so few reviews. Are they a brand-new company, or do they just not have any business? When they say they’ve been around several years but we can’t find reviews, it makes us wonder if they are actually another company (with reviews) and all business is being directed there. Hard to say.

Pros & Cons:


N/A (couldn’t find anything good here, sadly)


  1. No reviews
  2. They look to be a foreign company
  3. Charge more for different levels of writers (with no proof your extra money will actually get you a more qualified writer)

Final Thoughts:

This site (and remember, I have NO proof) looks like a front for other essay services. In other words, it almost seems like when you go there for a paper, you’ll actually get a paper written by someone at “X essay writing service.” My opinion only!

It would just be really hard to recommend them. Their chat sucked. There are no reviews. They seem foreign. Prices are high, and they upcharge for every little thing.

Probably best to keep on moving, folks. There simply isn’t enough data to go on that makes us feel comfortable recommending Writing Universe.

Save time by going straight to our first choice in essay services at killerpapers.org!

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