Pro Essay Writing

$32.99 per page with 2 days' notice








  • Chat and phone agents to help
  • Wide array of services


  • Much higher cost than competition
  • Foreign company
  • Very few reviews online

Pro Essay Writing Review

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Who is Pro Essay Writing?

Pro Essay Writing claims to be in Delaware, which literally dozens of essay writing services also claim (and they are not actually located in the US). There are a lot of reviews and comments online that show customers claiming the company is employing foreign writers. Also, the chat agent seems to be foreign (but many essay writing services outsource chat to people in India and other foreign countries).

It is hard to say who is behind Pro Essay Writing, and they are vague at best about who runs the company. the best we can tell is that they are a company operating under the name Pro Essay Writing, but are actually another outfit that also operates under many, many other essay companies. Does that make sense? We think (our professional opinion based on hours of research) that there is ONE company with many (dozens or more) names. Pro Essay Writing is one of those names.

What are the Prices?

On the homepage, you can punch in some very basic requests and see that with 2 days’ notice, the price is $32.99 per page. That is very high! That also means that if you need a college-level paper rather than high school, or if you need multiple sources or other more detailed research, you’re looking at higher than $33 per page. With 2 days’ notice, this is an unusually high price per page. prices.

The average price is about $25-$27 per page for a typical essay with most essay writing services. Some of them offer lower rates, but they’re almost universally foreign companies since Americans and Canadians need more to live on than people in, say, India.

Refund Policy:

The chat agent, Scarlet, said the company offers a 3-day money-back guarantee.

Pro Essay Writing chat agent answering our refund policy question

The problem with a 3-day refund policy is that oftentimes students do not receive their final grade on a paper for a week or more after handing it in, especially near holidays. So our advice is to be certain that you’re 100% satisfied with your paper before you let that 3 days lapse.

Online Reviews:

On Trustpilot, there are only 3 reviews. Their average rating is 3.5/5 stars. only shows 3 reviews for Pro Essay Writing.
Accusations of Pro Essay Writing using foreign writers.

Sitejabber shows 5 reviews and an average rating of 4.5/5 stars. shows 5 reviews.

Some of the reviews on Sitejabber are clearly purchased reviews from foreign writers with terrible English. However, this one is interesting…

Poor Sitejabber review for Pro Essay Writing.

When a company has been around since 1997, as Pro Essay Writing says they have been, we would expect more than 8 collective online reviews between Trustpilot and Sitejabber. Just sayin’.

Pros & Cons:


  1. All of the standard list of services are offered at Pro Essay Writing
  2. Chat agents and working phone number mean you will always get a person to answer your questions
  3. Easy to navigate website


  1. Foreign company
  2. Deceptive chat agents interested only in closing the deal
  3. Very high prices

Final Thoughts:

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